Periootiasu ilman periootilaseja, onko se sopivaa?

Ajanmukaisten silmälasien hankinta voi tuntua vaikealta, mutta jos sopivia laseja ei tule antiikkitorilta vastaan, nykyään on myös saatavilla uustuotantona kaikennäköisiä silmälasisankoja kaikille historiallisille aikakausille.

Sight and Hearing, How Preserved, and How Lost, by J. Henry Clark, Scribner, 1856

Mutta millaiset ovat 1800-luvulle oikean näköiset historialliset lasit?

Lue kaikki Single Action Shooting Society:n The Cowboy Chronicle -lehdessä julkaistusta artikkelista, joka löytyy pdf-tiedostona Historic Eyeware Company:n aihetta käsittelevältä sivulta.

History on Your Face – Common Spectacle Styles Before, During and After the Civil War, 1835 – 1870

The human eye is far from being a perfect optical organ. The most commonly used correction of vision problems are mounted lenses – eyeglasses – not only at present, but also during the last few centuries. During the 18th and 19th centuries English-speaking populations universally called these contrivances “spectacles”. The term “spectacles” specifically refers to eyeglass frames that have side pieces, or temples, to hold the glasses to the eyes. This article provides accurate information about spectacles styles available during the 1835 through 1870 period.

Ophthalmic Surgery and Treatment: with Advise on the Use and Abuse of Spectacles, John Phillips, Chicago, 1869

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